James Henderson Lee III.
The Writer.
“Which Presidents of the United States were the most outstanding? That is, in the sense of having affected this country long after their terms had expired. Washington and Lincoln, certainly. But what of others? Recently I put this question to a man who has delved deeply into the subject, the brilliant young actor-playwright, James Lee.”
Ben Gross
The Actor.
“James H. Lee, dark haired, blue-eyed, rather tall, pleasant, earnest, is an excellent example of a young man who comes to New York with stardust in his eyes along with ambition, talent, - and no fear of hard work.”
ll Stevenson
The Director-Producer.
“James Lee and Michael Dreyfus, the directors, saw to it that the Perelman spirit arrived on screen with a minimum of loss. There were many fine inventive touches that implemented the author’s intent and heightened the satirical impact.”
Jack Gould
My Father.
“He is my wisdom, my roots, my base. He gave me the confidence to explore, the faith to seek, and the skill to achieve. Our evening meals began with reciting literature, not grace. Meals served with Hemingway, Dickens, Post, and Shakespeare were the ingredients for lively conversations. He loved with his whole heart, laughed endlessly, and lived his life to the fullest. I could not have asked for a better dad!”